So here I stand, with most of my ingredients. Yes, there is a plate of brownies already on the stove. My mom made those and ... they leave a lot to be desired. :)
So, already feeling a little confused as I didn't know healthy = sugar, oil and a vanilla mixture. But, I'm game.
So then my next step was mixing some dry stuff together. In the middle of the cocoa part, this happened....
I tried to recreate the look on my face as it happened. This is about right.
After I cleaned that up, I was afraid it would happen again. Easy does it.
Okay, that mess is done.
Oooh, look who made an appearance.
So now comes the worst part. Shredding the zucchini. I hate it!
After I started shredding, I thought I probably should've googled to see the proper way to do it, because I realized that the seeds were still in it, and who wants zucchini seeds in their brownies?! It has been well over a year since I did this last, and I can't remember the proper technique. I figured i should probably scoop out the insides..and this is what I was left with. Even suckier to shred them now!
What my sink looked like after I was finished. Like a zucchini mass murder! Thank God I had the brilliant idea to do it over my sink so I didn't have to clean this mess up! And yay for garbage disposals!
So it's not quite 2 cups but, good enough because I'm DONE with that mess.
So the recipe says that the mixture will be dry and they weren't kidding. It is. It looks like a pile of dirt. Which reminds me, I miss Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, as my favorite kind is the dirt one. I'm not kidding.
Good GRIEF! After I put the brownies in, I stood back to admire my kitchen. "Nice kitchen! When was the tornado?!" Baking time = cleaning time.
So I giggled at the recipe as it said to 'gently touch' to see if they're done as they're supposed to spring right back. How do you 'gently touch' a brownie? I felt like I was on "Touched By An Angel." Excuse me Mr. Brownie? I'm going to gently touch you now....
After I did it, I realized what they were talking about. Yep, it just left an indentation, so I put them back in for another 5 minutes.
So at this point, I took them out and before I made the frosting, I had to let them cool. So this was when I decided to break and make my Homemade Microwave Popcorn and blog about that.
Cut to a few hours later when I decided to make the frosting.
I had to melt some margarine and some cocoa. However, I kind of forgot what number I was on when doing the cocoa, 6 Tablespoons is a lot! So I may or may not have added one more tablespoon of cocoa. It's all good, right?
Now I'm wondering if I did add too much. This looks like a baby diaper.
So then I had to add that hot mess to some milk and powdered sugar. It was quite chunky. I whisked for a few minutes and it looked a little better....
But not perfect. But chocolate doesn't have to be pretty to consume, right?
I may or may not have tried to lick the frosting off the whisk. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!
So then the recipe says that they have to sit for at least a few hours in the fridge and the frosting will thicken the longer it sits. So I planned to just let them sit overnight and try them today.
Yeah, about that....
My popcorn ended up not tiding me over until breakfast and I found myself at 10:45pm thinking about these damn brownies in the fridge. I tried to move on and think of anything else, but I finally succumbed to the temptation and figured I would treat myself for all that hard work...... or something like that.
So I took them out and they look exactly the same as I put them in a few hours before. "The longer these brownies sit, the thicker the frosting will become" - LIES!
But you know what? Runny frosting is still frosting and still pure joy. They are pretty dang good, surprisingly, considering they're 'healthy'. Seriously, what part of this looks healthy?! I don't believe it. As Whitney would say:
Cause I don't buy it. But, I guess it could be worse and I'll just shut up and eat them.
Nom Rating: 3.75 out of 5. They're good and they're chocolate, can't really go wrong. However, it's a lot of steps and a bit of work, which I'm never really a fan of. I wouldn't make them regularly just because of this. I think I'll probably take most of them to work to share, as they make a whole bunch.
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