What happened is, the other night I planned to make this Teriyaki Chicken so I cut up all my carrots as I don't buy the mini kinds, read something creepy about them once and just can't bring myself to eat them, and then the next morning, I quick put everything together and as I was walking away from my crockpot thought, "Awww CRAP! I completely forgot my pictures to blog this." I thought I could redeem myself and snapped this picture.
See, there's really not much to talk about. I cut carrots, added chicken, a can of pineapple and teriyaki sauce. I didn't land the Mars rover or anything. Then I let it cook alllll day and came home to this...
Didn't look very appetizing. In fact, it looks like the stomach contents of a goat but I ate it over brown rice and it was just meh. I haven't yet had any as leftovers, but I'm sure it'll still just be meh. I might make it again, just because I have another can of pineapple to use. But I probably wouldn't make it again after that.
Soooo, since tonight I had a leftover pizza burger from the other night, I thought I'd make this Pasta Salad I bought spontaneously at the grocery store. Also seemed simple enough.. Water, processed stuff and Mayo. I can handle that.
Ahh here's Bells, I told you, she's always on my feet when I'm cooking.
Cooking noodles is serious business.
Mayo and a ranch mixture? Pretty much a win.
There is little I hate more than having to use a colander. I can't explain why I hate it, I think because cleaning it sucks balls, but I grumbled my way through it. Look at this awesome action shot.
Another action shot. Flying noodles! Mixing all the goodness together.
Finished product:
Nom Factor: 3.5 out of 5. Didn't hate it, didn't love it. Again, meh.
So there's my lameass post of the night. Moral of the story? Find something else to make if you want an orgasmic foodie experience.
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