This is a favorite of mine. Click here for the recipe!
I originally saw this recipe and figured it would make a Chicken Chili type of thing. I was taking a risk when making it, as I don't like tomatoes and have slowly started liking spicier things. I planned to eat it as soup, but then had the brilliant idea to make some rice and add it to the concoction and make burritos out of it! At the time, I was on a huge Chipotle kick and I figured this would be comparable. I have now made it many times and it's always been a favorite of mine! It's yummy, makes great leftovers and is super easy to reheat for lunch at work! So here's some visuals for you!!
Ingredients and Tunes! Choice of music this time? PONTOON BABY! The best summer theme song!
These frozen chicken breasts have made my life!
Alright, the recipe calls for way more chicken than I need. I usually only use 2-3 breasts depending on the size of them. But then I'm a spinster, if you're feeding more you might want to use more. Up to you. And honestly, you probably wouldn't even need to use any chicken at all.. but I've never tried it. I'd worry it might get a little dry, but not sure. Then cream cheese, marvelous cream cheese.
Black beans! A new love of mine. I am obsessed with them!
Aaaand rinse!
Ahh look, kittyloves time!
Alright so this all takes just a couple of minutes, I can quickly make it before work and let it sit like this all day. I don't mix or anything. My crockpot has a timer, so once it hits the time I put on, it automatically switches to warm. So it usually cooks about 8 hours and then sits on warm for 2-3 hours.
So then when I get home from work, I start the rice. I use real rice, not instant stuff, so I have to plan for 45 minutes of rice cookin'! This night, I totally failed at life and forgot about turning it down and was panicked as the water had all boiled out of it after, I don't know 15 or 20 minutes. I was like CRAP! But I just added a little water and figured it would be fine. I was right.
So this is what it looks like after I get home and stir it a little. Doesn't photograph well, but I swear it's worth it.
Then I just pour the rice in. I should probably mention I make approximately 4 servings of rice, that I add to it. It's just what my bag of rice says. :)
So this is the finished product. I know, it looks like vomit but it tastes like heaven.
Soo. Now I slather on some sour cream and cheese on a tortilla.
Add the concoction and it's magnificent! Just trust me on this.
NOM Rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars. It has all the qualities of perfection. Easy. Nomtastic. Cheap. WIN!
It also has the bonus of being excellent reheated as leftovers. I want to give it 5 out of 5 stars but I'm worried if I did that, someday I would find something even more amazing and then that item's rating would be less exciting. These are the things I worry about.
Okay, go forth and make this and be blown away like Carrie Underwood.
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