Unf. Uffda. Steamy. Nice, right? Calm down ladies, he is mine.
Aanyways, I realized that it was nearing 7 and I needed to find something to eat so I thought I would try this Chicken Ranch Taco recipe using up the leftover chicken from the disappointing Parmesan Chicken from the other night.
Here's what happened...
Ingredient roundup!
Tunes tonight? A delightful little ditty by Ben Rector basically about a wedding and being in love. Whatever, I get to enjoy these tacos all by my SELF! sobs.
Oh yes, and with my kitty. Who I told you loves to rub on my legs whenever I cook.
Alright, back to business. Cutting up the chicken was the worst part. It looks like 3 cups, right?
Okay, so I measured it and it's like 2-2.5 cups, so I didn't use the whole package of taco mix.
Waiting for meat to warm means...
Holla! Saturday Night Kitchen Dance Party! Bringin' sexyback up in this hizouse.
I've also tried almost everything to rotate this picture and I can't figure it out and I'm over it.
And then the perfectionist in me thought I'd better add more chicken and luckily I had a can in my cupboard.
So I never ever use hard taco shells. I decided to be different this time and when I opened the package, I was all, "Awwww. The taco shells are spooning!" Precious. Too bad I'm going to eat a couple members of this taco shell orgy.
Measuring out the ranch dressing. The secret to happiness right here.
Waiting for the chicken to cook gives me the perfect opportunity to refine my rap skills. Kanye Bitches!
There we have it. Doesn't look half bad. Now it's time to find my taco toppings!
GASP! I'm looking for cheese and I find THIS! What IS this?! Barf-a-rama!! I could cure cancer with this bitch! Well, after I finish dry heaving.
Alright! Taco Perfection right there. The only thing I hate about tacos is how difficult they are to eat. You cannot be graceful or ladylike while eating one of these
And dammit, I'm a classy broad.
Nom Rating: 4 out of 5 stars! The chicken was delish! Plus, I'm always a fan of using up leftovers instead of throwing them away.
Now time for dessert...finishing the Jeremy Renner movie. Delish.
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