So for one, I noticed that you have to let them sit for 12-18 hours after you make them. Okay fine, I made them Friday night and figured I would relish in the amazing power of Vicks on Saturday.
Alright, directions and ingredients. No tunes, I'm too sick to even enjoy music.
Now my first problem with this recipe is that I hate people who make these instructions and then don't inform people of the exact measurements. This person is like, "Oh put some baking soda in a bowl, I didn't measure." Then why the eff are you sharing?! Someone isn't like, "Oh yeah, okay.. I'll just use this imaginary amount, that sounds good." Idiots. So I figured I would start with 6 and if I needed more, just add it.
This is me, feeling like poo. Kill me now.
Okay so then you add water and mix it, not too hard.
Then you fill the little cups, I think my estimation was perfect, with 6 disks.
So then I followed the recipe at the bottom where she suggested baking them first, then adding the oils, as other people said they had a problem with them crumbling and this would solve that.........
I go to take them out of the tin and they tear apart, sure my liners were thin and maybe if I used those metal ones or something thicker, it wouldn't be as big of an issue. But also, "HEY MENTION THAT IN THE DIRECTIONS!" I ended up using a spoon to kind of scoop them out.
This is what I'm left with. Faaaaab. This is off to a wonderful start.
Then this is what's left. Nothing I love to do more, when I'm sick as a dog, than have more cleaning to do.
So then I let them cool for a while and added my essential oils. I didn't have rosemary and didn't want to go to the health store just for that, so I substituted peppermint instead.
Now I let them sit overnight and I was hopeful as I left them in my kitchen and anytime I walked past, I smelled them and it was heavenly to my snot-filled nose. So I was super excited to use them in my shower on Saturday...........
Cut to THIS! Piece of CRAP! I grab my first disk and then start to remove the liner and it completely turns to a crumbly mess. Are you frikken KIDDING me?
I end up just pouring it out into my hand and throwing in a corner of my shower.
Nailed it. NOT
I figured maybe it doesn't matter, it'll work just as good. It doesn't. I couldn't smell it at all. It washed down the drain pretty quickly anyways. Stupid junk. Don't do this, waste of time and expensive essential oils.